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EXPLAINED: Why Real Madrid Star Goes By 'Pepe' After Real Name Revealed On FIFA 17 Card

Everyone with a slightly difficult to pronounce name’s done it at some point, haven’t they? “No no no mate, the third ‘n’ is silent, and the ‘t’ is actually pronounced like a ‘g’, and…sod it, call me Mike.”
It’s nearing FIFA 17 launch day, or as it’s also known, ‘Wait, THAT’S [Player]’s Name Season’. This year? Real Madrid and Portugal star Pepe. Sorry, that should be Real Madrid and Portugal star, Kepler Laveran Lima Ferreira.
So, why Pepe? Fortunately, the man himself took a break from fouling people and rolling around clutching his face (alright, and winning trophies) to explain back in 2013.
“My name in Brazil is quite difficult to pronounce. My coach and my father called me Pepe because it was easier. And that how it has stayed; Pepe.”

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